New Subscriber Email Sequence

Health & wellness

Holli Bassin Health Coach | Boston, MA

Key messaging themes: Welcoming, knowledgeable, encouraging.


Holli was already providing her existing audience with incredibly valuable emails, but she needed a way to engage and new subscribers and deliver her lead magnet.


I created a 4-email welcome sequence using a tried and true method

  1. Welcome: Let users know how excited you are to have them join your community!

  2. Validate: Acknlowedge what your new subscriber may be feeling/why they joined your list.

  3. Include: Tell them about your mission and illustrate your motiviation in a relatble way that encourages connection.

  4. Invite: Provide social proof and show them what it’s like to work with you before inviting them to do so.


We’ve achieved a sequence average open rate of 79.4% and a 17.6% CTR so far.

For reference, the industry average CTR (as reported by Constant Contact) is only 0.91%!

Follow the sequence below:

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